Saturday, July 19, 2008

Comic #30

Submission #30: Those Good Old Days

Happy 30th, Comrades!

Author’s Note: It’s so easy to make political cartoons about long past events because the partisans who fought so bitterly over them are long since dead. However, I feel this may be offensive to some, for which I apologize and urge historical reconciliation.

Comic #29

Submission #29: Listening Is A Crucial Skill

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Comic #28

Submission #28: Abe Lincoln's Log Cabin Adventures

Comic #27

Submission #27: The Protesters

Friday, July 4, 2008

Comic #26

Submission #26: The New Colour of (In)dependence Day

Happy 232nd anniversary of our country's founding, Americans. I do hope the rest of the world appreciates it as well.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Comic #25

Submission #25: The Rune of Apparent Clarity